Tuesday 23 July 2013

Eureka Pictures of Grand Duchy of Warsaw Poles

Nic Robson, the authorised dealer for Murawski Miniatures in Australia, ( www.eurekamin.com) sent me the above pictures of the Poles that are now on the Eureka website. Wow!  Who would have thought black and white could be so powerful?
Many thanks to Nic and hopefully I'll get these on the website soon. I will post in the coming days pictures of the cavalry and artillery as well.
If you'd like more information concerning the Poles then please dont hesitate to contact me: roger(dot)murrow(at)mmc2100.co.uk


  1. powerful is correct - I need to repaint everything without delay.

  2. Great Roger but that link won't work as you forgot the .au! It should be: www.eurekamin.com.au
